How Tough Are the French Really? The European Professional Shooting Symposium

From Ice Baths to Car-Shooting, the European Professional Shooters Symposium challenged its participants with tough topics and valuable insights

How Tough Are the French Special Forces? Hard as Nails and Highly Skilled.

As the first specialized magazine, LOWREADY MAGAZINE received the exclusive opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most renowned and exclusive symposia in Europe: the annual European Professional Shooters Symposium in France, organized by Cédric Charles, founder of MTP FORMATION.

"The aim is to provide operatives with the opportunity to develop mentally, physically, and professionally while staying up to date," explains the long-time shooting instructor. "Participants can also engage with leading brands in the industry to discuss current developments and train with pioneering coaches on the latest operational techniques."

Cédric Charles himself gave an impressive Car Shooting lesson at the workshop

The three-day workshop presented participants with a variety of challenges: shooting skills at night, around vehicles, and using night vision devices were just as essential as mental and physical endurance. From concentration training to breathing techniques from biathlon, as well as ice baths and TCCC lessons, the symposium provided modern operators with comprehensive opportunities to enhance their physical and mental combat effectiveness.


The French shooting-scene was also well represented on site. Whether it was Johan Lara from Lara Tactical (above), who even gained recognition in the USA, or HIT from AGX Training—the heavyweights of the industry brought their (former) colleagues the latest insights directly to the workshop.

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