
IPSC Rifle World Shoot 2024: A shooting sport highlight in Finland

IPSC Rifle World Shoot 2024: Top event in Finland with GECO as sponsor. Excitement, action and world-class shooters ready to compete!

In just a few days, the long-awaited IPSC Rifle World Shoot (RWS) 2024 in Finland, the most important IPSC event of the year in the rifle sector, will begin. From August 4 to 9, 2024, the event will take place at the newly built Ruutikangas Range in Oulu, which covers an impressive 93 hectares, making it one of the largest shooting ranges in Europe.

An event to remember

IPSC Finland, in cooperation with the Finnish Shooting Sports Federation and the Ruutikangas Shooting Center, has made tremendous efforts to create an unforgettable event for the more than 600 athletes expected from all over the world. Participants will compete in 30 challenging IPSC stages spread over five days, requiring more than 500 shots in total.

Major support from GECO

A special highlight of the IPSC Rifle World Shoot 2024 is GECO's involvement as a match and ammunition sponsor. GECO will provide the official competition ammunition and will be on site with an extensive information stand. Two dedicated team members will be on hand to assist shooters and provide valuable tips and advice.

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Sascha Back, member of the GECO IPSC team from Germany, remembers the second IPSC World Championship in dynamic rifle shooting: “GECO was the sponsor and supplier of match ammunition and provided the Target FMJ .223 Rem. in 3.6 grams. This helped me a lot with my travel arrangements and the number of pieces of luggage I had to take with me. Also, I was already very familiar with the ammunition from training, so I didn't have to worry about reliability and accuracy.”

Ruutikangas Range: A center of sport shooting

The choice of the Ruutikangas Range as the venue is also a political signal, as the Finnish government has announced a significant expansion of shooting ranges in Finland in its program. Vesa Nissinen, President of the Finnish Shooting Sports Federation, emphasizes: “For these reasons, it is particularly pleasing to be able to welcome all the competition teams to the rapidly developing Ruutikangas Shooting Sports Centre.”

The IPSC Rifle World Shoot 2024 promises to be one of the most memorable events of the year in shooting sports. With world-class facilities, an impressive number of international competitors and the support of GECO, this event will undoubtedly set new standards. We look forward to exciting competitions and wish all participants every success!

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