Practical & Tactical

Video News: Mantis X - Trigger movement analysis for at home

Marco Schnyder, CEO and Director of Training at Mantis, shows our Mike the Mantis X. The trigger analysis device is designed to register and record the smallest deviations in the t...

The Mantis X trigger analysis is a revolutionary technology that helps shooters improve their shooting technique and maximize their accuracy. This innovative system provides a detailed analysis of trigger behavior in real time to identify weak points and enable targeted training.

At the heart of the Mantis X trigger analysis is a compact device that attaches to the trigger of your firearm. It records precise movements and forces during the trigger pull process and sends the data wirelessly to your smartphone app or computer. There you receive a comprehensive evaluation of your shot, including aspects such as stability, alignment and trigger pressure.

By analyzing this data, shooters can make targeted improvements to their technique. The Mantis X app offers personalized training programs and exercises tailored to the shooter's individual needs and weak points. This allows you to continuously optimize your trigger behavior and take your accuracy to a new level.