Part II: Stance. Scoring. And the real world application.
Now that we've mastered the basics, let's dive deeper - the second part of Shep Dev's online course gets down to the nitty-gritty. The entire "Level 2" section deals with the more advanced questions that inevitably come up after the first steps. Now that I've learned how to hold a gun properly, what comes next? How do I practise effectively to take my technique to the next level? Does my stance always have to be perfect, or are there more flexible approaches for different situations? What happens if I find myself in a difficult situation - how do I handle my weapon then? And last but not least: are reloads really that important and what is the best way to train them in order to react quickly and precisely in an emergency?
Picture above: One thing is demonstrated again and again in the free online course: Practical application. What significance does this or that exercise have in practice on the range?
Another important point: scoring. (Or as the guys from Greyground would call it: “relative precision”) A point that is often neglected and yet important to convey. As an instructor for various authorities and special units worldwide, he was able to consolidate and expand his theories in real operations and training sessions. His knowledge is based on years of experience in different, sometimes extreme situations - and this is precisely what makes his methods so practical and effective.
The second segment of the course (i.e. Videos 2:1 to 2:7) is also about tracking and documenting the progress made. This is the only way to find out where the shooter's problems might lie. And we learn how to document and diagnose such things in “Lesson 2:7 - Keeping Track of Everything”, for example.

At the end of the second section come the drills - and here we Europeans can breathe a sigh of relief. Shep Dev has deliberately avoided highly dynamic drills. For example, none of the drills require a 180-degree shooting angle, or what is often difficult to realize on some German or European ranges: far-reaching movements and angles typical for IPSC. The reality on many ranges in Europe is often characterized by limited areas and bullet traps. The frequent lack of 270-degree bullet traps and IPSC approvals presents us with a real challenge when it comes to practicing advanced drills from the States or elsewhere.
Picture above: In particular, the drill shots are golden grains that should absolutely be observed. All drills are practicable in Germany. No more excuses. Shoot them. Train then.
But this is exactly where Shep Dev's course excels: all drills can be performed on standard european ranges without compromising the safety of the training, the range, or the relationship with your range officer. No more excuses! Anyone with the time and commitment can perform these drills at their home range, putting the skills learned into realistic, practical scenarios. This makes the course not only practical, but also accessible - and more valuable to us in Europe than many courses offered by other overseas competitors.
Click here to view the free course on YouTube:
"From the Ground Up - Pistol 101"
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